This course has been developed specifically to address the canon law topics which most frequently arise in the parish ministry of deacons, based on numerous requests from officers and members of the National Association of Diaconate Directors. Canon Law plays an important part in every element of pastoral ministry. As Doctor Edward Peters, JCL, JCD of Sacred Heart Seminary in Detroit has remarked: "Most cradle Catholics, having grown up with a vague awareness of the presence of canon law-‐however incomplete and even erroneous their understanding of Church law might be-‐ are much less likely to pose questions about the operation of canon law unless, perchance, they find themselves directly affected by it. Not so with candidates for conversion; they are motivated to ask questions about all facets of Church life." As deacons and parish ministers, in addition to being guided by the precepts of canon law, you'll be seen as a de facto subject-‐matter expert by many with whom you come into contact.
- Instructor: Fr. Jake Runyon